Tips To Know Before Going To Chadar Trek | Chadar Trek Preparation
Chadar Trek
India’s most thrilling
and alluring trek is the frozen stretch of the river Zanskar in Leh which known
as Chadar Trek, which always fascinates enthusiast adventurers of all over the
world. 105 km long frozen ice
sheet over Zanskar River is an amazing experience for the brave-hearted
adventure tourists. Chadar Trek not only attracts to the thrill seeker
professional trekkers but also to amateur due to its divinely beautiful
sceneries. Here we are providing some information about Chadar Trek which can
really help a trekker to prepare himself mentally for the upcoming challenges
of this thunders trucking trekking trip.
A series of distinctive experience
While walking on ice, crossing icy rocks, amazing night stay in
tents and the transitional beauty of chadar lake trek it is always ready to provide you outstanding series of
Perfect timing for Chadar Trek
Around 15th January
the ice becomes solid enough to bear the weight of trekkers and remain like
that only until the end of February. At this period of time, the trekking trail
became more appealing and glamorous due to snow clad mountains on both sides.
Estimated temperature
As Chadar Trekking is
only done in winters, the average temperature will be definitely around 15-20
degrees during the daytime and at night temperature drop till -25 to -30
Evaluation of difficulty level
The difficulty of trekking on Chadar Trek is not only the sense
of fear while walking on ice with icy water just inches below but also the
disturbing temperature and extremely harsh camping conditions would be a great
challenge for trekkers. As a trekker has to cover 105 km on foot with baggage
on the back, so he must be physically fit enough. To face harsh climate and
difficult and risky climb one should have patience and confidence to fight such
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